A Sunday Ramble


I follow so many fantastic blogs, and quite a few of them belong to the parents of twins and young babies. Recently those bloggers have shared some precious moments, such as their child’s first tooth, first steps and first words. These exciting milestones are definitely the most memorable and significant. As my kids are 4 years old, I thought the rate at which they were meeting new milestones had slowed, until last week when they enjoyed a few new ‘firsts’ of their own.

During our Easter egg hunt we anticipated a battle over easter eggs and possibly the odd clout from an easter basket, however I was gobsmacked pleasantly surprised by their level of cooperation. Once they had collected their eggs and checked there were definitely no more (for the nineteenth time), they poured their bucketfuls onto the kitchen table where they proceeded to divide them equally between themselves and then offer some to the adults. All of this without cajoling, bribes or any input whatsoever from myself. I was a very proud mummy and certainly enjoyed my ‘must be doing something right’ moment. The grandparents were there too so they can verify this story…

Our next ‘first’ was when Eva volunteered to have her hair blow-dried. Hair dryers, or those big scary noisy things have been treated with contempt in this house since they were first encountered. I suspect Eva saw a ‘big girl’ having her hair blow-dried. Right now she appears to be on a mission to become a  big girl so I expect having a blow dry fits in with that plan. Poor Dylan still treats them with great suspicion and retreats at the first blast of hot air.

For years I have struggled to get Dylan to wear sunscreen. He would cry hysterically whenever I came near with a bottle of sunscreen in my hand. I tried everything, the kids’ stuff, brightly coloured stuff, soltan once and sprays with little success. Last week we had a major breakthrough. When he saw Eva having her sunscreen applied, he piped up ‘I want some too!’ He giggled as I sprayed it on him saying ‘it tickles’. How on earth can a perpetual fear of sunscreen transform into giggly fun in an instant?? Is four the magic number? When common sense prevails? I really hope so.

Yesterday was also the first time Dylan decided he would like to wear no less than five pairs of underpants! We all fell apart laughing as he got ready for his bath. He did wonder why it felt tight and for that reason I doubt this will become his usual attire.

My husband was off work for the weekend and the sun was shining so we thought we’d make the most of it and go on a day trip. We took our first trip to Kilcooley Abbey in Co. Tipperary, less than 15 minutes from our house. We packed a picnic and when we arrived we let the kids run on ahead. Aside from ourselves and the crows there was only one other family visiting the Abbey yesterday. We aren’t from Co. Tipperary, but i’m surprised i’ve never visited the Abbey before as it’s right on my doorstep. I knew it was there, but as it is on a private estate I wasn’t sure whether it was open to the public.

The gates were all open so we strolled on in. The ruin was very impressive with its vaulted ceilings and decorative stone carvings. The setting couldn’t be better and i’m glad I brought the camera. I’m sure the wonderful weather made our afternoon more enjoyable, but I can’t believe how such a brilliant location appears to be such a well-kept secret. It’s completely secluded and away from roads, so you can let the kids run free. Dylan and Eva, believing it was a castle, had a great time imagining where the kings and queens would sit. Eva helpfully pointed out ‘Mummy, the kings and queens are all dead now’. There are no narratives depicting the history of the site, but if you have young children like mine, you shouldn’t need it. Knowing it may not be your cup of tea, I won’t attempt a history lesson, other than to say it was founded by the Cistercian monks in 1182 AD. If you would like to know more, have a look  here.




Any ideas what this was used for? A cell, food store or dovecote?

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16 replies

  1. That Easter egg sharing is terrific — give yourself a pat on the back, Mum! Thanks to you for sharing these lovely photos. (See, the twins are just following your good example). And the underpants story made me laugh out loud — thanks for that, too!

    • Thanks Jennifer! Glad I made you chuckle. :o) I’m reluctant to share many photos of the kids. The ones taken from the distance are fine. I love seeing photos on blogs, it does make everything much more real. :oD

  2. Those photos are beautiful! I actually clicked on the link to look at more of the pictures. As for that strange looking structure… I don’t even know. I would guess dovecot but it looks like it would make a pretty great cell too.

    Also, up to this day I hate putting on sunscreen. haha. But living in Southern California, it’s a must.

  3. Well those are some milestones worth celebrating!! Politeness, sharing, cooperation. So I guess I only have to wait four years (if I’m lucky)…ugh. Also, what a gorgeous site for a day trip. Nowhere around here can we visit from 1182 AD, or not man-made, in any case.

    • Ha! Thank you. They’ve been so funny recently, coming out with all sorts of things. Eva likes the story ‘the princess and the pea’ and how the princess won the prince’s heart. Now she tells a little story about how I won daddies heart, we got married and had babies.. :o)

  4. Aw, your kids are adorable!! They remind me so much of my two, especially with the blow dryer! 🙂

  5. Looks and sounds like an idyllic day out. The Abbey’s beautiful. x

  6. Isn’t it funny how sometimes we come up with beautiful scenic areas practically in our own back yard? Loved the pictures and seeing your little ones from afar. I understand about the close-up photo shots. A little scary. I would have so many to share if it wasn’t for that worry.

    I want to go back and read the history of those photos. It was so fun reading your post, Olivia. Beautiful countryside. Here we are still in the early spring mode and threats that May will be not much better. Urgg!

  7. I have so many gorgeous photos but i’m probably sharing enough of their lives. I often wonder how will they feel about this blog in years to come. I hope it won’t bother them as there as so many bloggers out there doing the same as me. As they grow older, I don’t think I’ll be able to share as much of them.
    The Abbey’s history hasn’t been all that well documented,although the blog I refer to provides some great background. I’d love to know more about it too.
    The weather was fantastic here over Easter, but now it’s wet and quite cool, especially in the evenings.
    Loved the polar plunge footage by the way! :o)

  8. The pix are just amazing, Olivia.

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